PraxisAuril is working to collate public domain research, reviews and reports of relevance to the Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation community and its stakeholders. This content is collected from a range of sources, based on publicly available material, and will be updated on an ongoing basis. If you have content you wish to contribute, or if you have any comments please contact us on
The Government's response to the Independent Review of University Spinouts was published immediately after the Review itself. The Government welcomed the recommendations of the Review and accepted them all. Implementation of the recommendations started immediately focusing on improved data for...
Research England
This independent review undertaken by Canadian consultants McIvorStones for Research England, explores opportunities and challenges for scale-up and launch of digital spinouts across England’s HE landscape, including those with low spinout rates from traditional STEM and life-science disciplines....
This is the final report and recommendations arising from an independent review by Professor Irene Tracey and Doctor Andrew Williamson to help improve the creation and growth of university spin-out companies. The review was commissioned by HM Treasury and DSIT in March 2023. The final report was...
This document, published by Research England and the Office for Students, sets out the background, objectives, stages and timetable of a review of Research England’s funding and policy approaches in knowledge exchange.
The review will assess whether formula funding for knowledge exchange is fit...
'Spinning Out Success' is the second annual report from Octopus Ventures which ranks UK universities on 'entrepreneurial impact'. (following on from 2019's 'Research to Riches'. The goal of this report is to identify which institutions create "investor-ready" spinouts and share the reasons why...
In 2019 Research England commissioned SQW, supported by City-REDI, to undertake a study examining the potential theory-based approaches that Research England could implement as part of the next overall evaluation of the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). Such theory-based approaches had not...
This is the final version of the KE Concordat, published in May 2020 following a sector consultation. Accompanying information will be published on the Concordat portal
This report focuses on equity investment into UK university spin-outs, including the source of invesment over time (2011-2019) and an equity ranking by UK regional geography. Over 800 spin-outs were included from Beauhursts database of tracked companies. The report is available to download from the...
'The Road to 2.4 per cent' was authored by David Willets whilst a Visiting Professor at the Policy Institute, King's College London. Willets was Minister for Universities and Science from 2010-2014 and is now a member of the House of Lords.
The report sets out proposals for transforming UK...
'Research to Riches' was published by the venture capital company Octopus Ventures in mid-November 2019. It aims to measure the success of UK universities in converting reseach into successful companies (spinouts). It presents an 'entrepreneurial impact ranking' to index the universities which are...