PROMOTE, inform and influence the KE ecosystem
We Promote the KE profession by engaging with sector stakeholders, sharing good practice and participating in sector conferences, roundtables and meetings
When representing our members on the world KE stage, our overall policy goal is to ensure our members are recognised as an essential part of the conversation. We do this by responding to government and other sector consultations, by engaging with policymakers and influencers at a national and regional level, and by proactively voicing an opinion through publications, events and online media
The development of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) metrics and KE Concordat (KEC) dominates the policy environment in the wider context of the Industrial Strategy and its 2.4% R&D target.
KE practitioners have been involved at every step of the way with the KEF and KEC development. Keeping our eye firmly on this area of policy implementation provides a welcome element of consistency in uncertain political times.