PraxisAuril Annual Report: 2018-2019


“2019 has already been a fantastic year for PraxisAuril. With 173 member organisations and over 5000 people feeding into the PraxisAuril community, it has become the world’s biggest KE organisation outside of the US. With its growing pool of almost 400 volunteers, PraxisAuril continues to create and deliver world-leading training courses and has trained around 600 people in the UK, in this year alone.

There is no doubt that the UK is recognised as having one of the best approaches to knowledge exchange in the world. PraxisAuril has built on the increasing success of UK practitioners to elevate UK expertise around the world, and over the last 10 years has created and maintained a solid foundation for UK Knowledge Exchange. By taking its training to over 40 countries, including the China training programme which has trained 400 practitioners, PraxisAuril has demonstrated that the UK is a key player and influencer on the global knowledge exchange stage. With US organisations also coming to the UK to learn about university business relationships, it’s clear that the PraxisAuril influence is felt far and wide.

2019 has already been a fantastic year for PraxisAuril. With now 173 member organisations and over 5000 people feeding into the PraxisAuril community, it has become the world’s biggest KE organisation outside of the US. With its growing pool of almost 400 volunteers, PraxisAuril continues to create and deliver world-leading training courses and has trained around 600 people in the UK, in this year alone.

Diversity is a fundamental element to understanding the breadth of knowledge exchange activity that is happening across the world. Our members include professional organisations, system purveyors, catapults, government agencies, universities and businesses, and with their support we are achieving great things together. From volunteering, to policy, to sponsorship and programme development, our members are at the heart of everything we do.

This annual report is a summary of all that we have achieved together in the past 12 months.”


Sean Fielding
Director of Innovation, Impact & Business, University of Exeter
Chair, PraxisAuril 2019-2021