Blog: KE Matters

Female Entrepreneurship

8 Mar 2021


Innovation is one of the key drivers of human progress and this year, like no other, we celebrate the success of innovation with vaccines offering a path out of the COVID pandemic. 

Traits in KE leadership

8 Mar 2021


I have celebrated International Women’s Day for as long as I have worked in higher education, a period in which I have also been led by truly inspirational women at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School. 

An Entrepreneurial IDEA

8 Mar 2021


The playing field is not, and has never been, level for women in entrepreneurship. 

Choose organisations that promote the role models you want!

8 Mar 2021


Women are increasingly being appointed to more senior leadership roles: as of 2020, women represent 32% of corporate board members in the FTSE 250 companies.  

Learning from Lockdown  

15 Feb 2021

As we sense the beginning of the end of our third pandemic lockdown (everything crossed) – thanks largely to the magnificent efforts of researchers, tech transfer offices, industry partners, and the NHS to develop and roll-out a vaccine programme – there is a desire to understand what impact the pandemic has had on our pre-pandemic grand challenge; boosting the level of R&D investment to 2.4% of GDP.  Tamsin Mann - Director of Policy and Communication, PraxisAuril 

Disciplinary aspects of knowledge exchange

25 Jan 2021

The Physiological Society's report on KE spotlights on the specific contributions to knowledge exchange made by physiology. It is an insightful report, revealing a perhaps surprising level of KE from this particular disciplinary base but also highlighting opportunities for greater engagement and how that might be achieved. What can KE practitioners learn from these deep-dives and why are they important to our understanding of UK knowledge exchange?