Software Commercialisation, November 2024

2024 Dates Tuesday 19th - Thursday 21st November 2024 Venue:  Sedgebrook Hall Pitsford Rd Chapel Brampton, Northampton NN6 8BD   Costs do not include accommodation and travel. PraxisAuril cannot make bookings on behalf of delegates. Once you have made your booking, you will receive your accommodation reference in your confirmation email when the venue is confirmed.  Event fee: Non-Member £1,595 Member £1,195  Is this course right for me? The course is suitable for knowledge exchange and commercialisation professionals working in higher education or other public-sector research or NHS innovation environments. Delegates will have experience in technology transfer, but little practical experience of software commercialisation. The course is not intended for those with a degree in computer science or similar.  It will be of most benefit to those who have already worked in technology transfer for at least three months. Why should I attend this course? The course will improve delegates' confidence and provide a framework of materials and contacts to refer to when software disclosures arise. Delegates also have the chance to hear from and question university software entrepreneurs at first hand. What will I learn from the course? A detailed understanding of the special eligibility rules for software patents Appreciation of how software is built from components allowing reuse and sharing, and the specifics of licensing of software components When software may constitute a medical device or diagnostic tool An understanding of the concepts and jargon of software development in order to interact effectively with inventors What questions to ask a software inventor at disclosure, and the implications of the answers for the prospects of the software The course also focuses on networking, providing a valuable platform to meet peers, discuss best practice, and interact with the course team and other contributors. PLEASE NOTE: There may be a requirement for delegates to undertake some pre-course work/reading before the course begins.