PrA welcomes two new Board members

PraxisAuril is delighted to announce that two new Directors have been appointed to the PraxisAuril Board, both for four-year terms.


Dr Stuart Wilkinson, Acting Director of Innovation & Engagement, University of Oxford, joined the Board on 1st November. Stuart brings with him a wealth of KE and has been Chair of the PraxisAuril Professional Development committee and Course Director for the New Venture Creation and Knowledge Exchange courses.



Ersel Oymak, Strategic Alliances Advisor & Innovator in Residence, UCL will take his seat from 1st January 2023. Ersel brings in 33 years of international experience at senior ICT industry roles with focus on co-creation, technological innovation partners, sales, strategic business development, digitisation and verticalization.




Both bring significant strategic and wide experience from the university sector and from industry that will further strengthen our volunteer team and engagement with members and stakeholders. We look forward to working with them during an important stage of PraxisAuril's growth and development. 

We had a strong field of candidates from which to appoint following an open call in September and we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all those who applied. There will be another opportunity to apply to join the Board in early 2023, so please keep an eye on the usual channels for announcements if you are interested. 

The PraxisAuril Board is a collaborative, considered and supportive volunteer team that welcomes discourse, new ideas, challenge and independent thought. You can see a full list of Board members here. Please do contact any member of the Board directly if you have any questions about the appointments, or any other governance or strategic business processes.