Blog: KE Matters

Knowledge Exchange – a matter of life and death

3 Nov 2023

Explore the pivotal role of knowledge exchange and its potential life-saving impact in a compelling blog article by David Russell, offering a thought-provoking response to Professor Carl Heneghan's recent commentary in The Spectator on the ongoing Covid Inquiry.

How to improve KE in the UK | Part 1: Why we don’t always get the skills we need

26 Sep 2023

In the first of a series of blogs about how to improve Knowledge Exchange in the UK, David Russell sets out the common issues to consider when developing skills to meet strategic needs.

What will be in the Spinouts Review and how should the sector respond?

4 Sep 2023

The Government’s Independent Review of Spinouts is likely to report this month. What will it say? And what will it mean for the Knowledge Exchange community? David Russell, CEO of PraxisAuril, provides valuable insight into the review process and looks forward to the opportunities it will bring for the sector. 

Exploring the Horizons of Knowledge Exchange: A First-Timer's Experience at the PraxisAuril Conference

13 Jul 2023

Our new AHSS Commercialisation Community of Practice Coordinator, Arnie King, contemplates on his first time attending the annual PraxisAuril Conference


The Challenge of Recruiting TTO Commercialisation Staff

14 Apr 2023

Guest blog by Ethan Cho BA, MBA; Growth Lead, Movemeon